Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fabulous Day

Congratulations to Crystal for winning the title contest! Our new title for our class blog is, Fabulous 4th Grade. Enjoy your prize Crystal : )

Boy's Computer Lab Class
Today we did computers with Miss B. It was very fun. We played a spelling game outside on the basketball courts. It is called spelling bump. You get the ball and if someone gets you out you have to spell a spelling word. If you get it wrong, the other team gets a point.      -Tommy

Today Tommy and I qualified to play Wii for 10 min. We played sword fighting. Tommy won, but i still had lots of fun.      -Rodrigo

Today we made a goal if we get an extra lesson done in math next week, we can have games in our math time on Friday. I want to play marble games, football math game, or Wii.    -Crystal

Before chapel we qualified to play Wii. We got to school and finished our morning procedures and our math meeting master. We played tennis. - Katherine

   History Day - 4th-6th graders are making the Ark of the Convenant

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Special Guest

Today we had a special surprise. We are learning about praying mantises in our writing class, and thanks to Mrs. Ketron we got to see some in our class.

Timmy Ketron's Mantis

Stephenson's Mantis
 Today we learned about the praying mantis. The nest the mom makes is completely closed for the winter, so nothing can get out and no one can get in. When summer comes, the babies hatch and slowly come out of the nest. The babies seperate and never meet again.  - Crystal

At the end of the praying matis's arms, they have sticky spines. They just have to touch a fly and it will stick! - Tommy
Mantises are very smart creatures. They catch mice, spiders, and hummingbirds. - Daniel

When they see their prey they quickly strike and their spikes stick into their prey, and then they eat them.      - David

Praying Mantis Attacks Hummingbird

Monday, September 27, 2010

Exciting Science, Goals, and Points

Science w/ Mrs. Frost

The class conducted an experiment today where they learned and used the steps of the scientific method.
(4th grade - make sure you remember to show your parents your science recording sheet!)

Thank you fathers for getting the school another Wii !!

Today the 4th graders qualified by earning 5 serving points to play Wii at the end of the day. They also have earned 5 points towards their breakfast goal.

4th Grade Announcement:

Great job on your Haltal Jobs!!! 1 point each : )

Friday, September 24, 2010

Computers in the Classroom

The day we have been waiting for finally came. We got to type our spelling words on the computer! If we get 25 points we get to have a breakfast that includes, fruit, whip cream, crepes and maybe bacon.

I was glad we got to type our spelling words on the computer. We qualified to play games afterward.
- Katherine

We will earn our points by raising our hands to share, giving good eye contact, listening, and good transitions.

I typed 14 spelling words in 10 minutes. Next time I want to try to type 20 spelling words in 10 minutes.

I typed 18 spelling words in 10 minutes. I also liked when Tommy showed our class his praying mantis.
- Daniel

Today we used our new laptops for our spelling lesson. It was so exciting because the laptops work so quickly. I am glad we get to use laptops this year!
- Crystal

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our Computer Lab

Today in computer lab we qualified to do typing. We started doing lessons and then we got to do some games. On the game if you typed the right letter the chameleon would eat the ant, but if you typed one wrong the ant escaped to his home and would say, "Ya-Hoo". It was exciting, but our arms got tired and sore!

- David, Daniel, Rodrigo, and Tommy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day of School

First day of school.
 (David was too hungry to smile!)

The fourth grade students were so excited about their first day of school that they wanted to share it with everyone!

At break I had fun playing foursquare with the 1st grade class. We taught them how to play a lot better. I like the 1st grade class.      -Molly

We qualified to do Wii. In spelling we are going to do typing on our laptops. We qualified for two class points today!     -Daniel

Today I played foursquare with the 1st grade.  Then Danielle got me out. I am glad that we have a 1st grade class.      Katherine  
This year in spelling we get to use laptops. It will be very exciting!    -Rodrigo
Today we got to have science with the 5th and 6th grade class. We learned how to conduct heat with different objects. It was really fun.    -David

Today my class and I qualified to play Wii. To get Wii points, we had to raise our hands, give good eye contact, and pay attention.    -Tommy

This year in school our class gets to use laptops in spelling! We have five minutes to use the laptops. It is so much fun, because these laptops are new.    -Crystal

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The first contest of the school year!

Who can think of the most creative and inspiring title for our blog? Entries are due by September 27. All are welcome to enter the contest. Enter as many entries as you like!!!