Driving Question:
How can we design and create the best type of bridge that can cross the Puyallup river?
Stage 1 - Research
Step 1 - Pick a Topic:
- History of Bridges
- Main Types of Bridges and their Uses
- Famous Bridges
- Different Types of Truss Bridges
Step 2 - PowerPoint Presentation: Once your group has your topic you can start your research. Each PowerPoint presentation should include the follow:
- Title page
- 4-6 slides - main points
- Picture as the background
- 5-10 min.
Step 3 - Present your PowerPoint. Make sure you have enough information to orally expound on your main points.
Step 4 - Using the information learned from the presentations, pick the best type of bridge for your project!
Resource List: Here are some resources to help you start your presentations.
- Wikipedia Bridge Info
- Bridge Basics
- How Bridges Work
- Elements of Bridge Design
- Bridge Construction Overview
- Bridge History
- Bridge Building Simulation
- Bridge Dictionary
- Structures and Shapes
- Bridge Terminology
- Bridge Engineering Software
- Bridge History Time line
- Building BIG Bridges
- Garretts Bridges
- 5 Steps to building Bridges
- Model Bridge Destruction
- Balsa Wood Bridge: 202 Pounds
- Wood Bridge Holds 135lbs
- Tips on a Popsicle Stick Bridge
- Bridge Project
- Balsa Wood Bridge
- Make a good balsa wood bridge
- Balsa Wood Bridge: 202 Pounds
- Bridge Theory
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